Bill & Val Landis on Being Available to God

Episode 6 October 12, 2022 00:32:56
Bill & Val Landis on Being Available to God
Larry Kreider Leadership Podcast
Bill & Val Landis on Being Available to God

Oct 12 2022 | 00:32:56


Show Notes

Bill and Val Landis make their first appearance on the Larry Kreider Leadership Podcast to share the wisdom they've gained from over forty years in leadership. In this week's episode, the Landises elaborate on incredible instances where they've heard the voice of God, the burden of carrying borrowed offenses, and how we can misinterpret God's intentions.

Bill and Val Landis have worked with several teams to start YWAM centers in Grenada, Barbados, and Jamaica. In May 2020, the Landises moved back to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and continue to work in the areas of pastoral care and developing leaders, both at YWAM Lancaster and in the Caribbean. They will continue their roles as YWAM Barbados founders and elders, as well as serving on the YWAM Caribbean eldership team. The Landises have three grown children and five grandchildren.

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