There is a new type of church that isn’t going away; in fact, it is only growing! Micro churches, also known as house church movements, are flourishing in many parts of the world. In today's episode, Larry Kreider and Merle Shenk lay out a scriptural basis for believers meeting from house to house and how micro church networks are making disciples and multiplying leaders as well as the message of the gospel.
Merle Shenk serves as the lead pastor of Newport Church in Elm, Pennsylvania. He and his wife, Cheree, have over 20 years of cross-cultural ministry experience and a passion for evangelism, training, and discipleship work. Together, they serve on the DOVE International Apostolic team and lead the apostolic team for DOVE South Africa, where they lived for over 11 years and planted an inner-city, multi-ethnic church.
A Healthy Micro Church Is Not:
Healthy Micro Churches:
If You Are Called to Start a Micro Church:
Quotable Quotes:
Related Resources:
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