Larry Kreider & Merle Shenk on the 8 Essential Qualities of a Healthy Church

Episode 52 June 08, 2022 00:28:27
Larry Kreider & Merle Shenk on the 8 Essential Qualities of a Healthy Church
Larry Kreider Leadership Podcast
Larry Kreider & Merle Shenk on the 8 Essential Qualities of a Healthy Church

Jun 08 2022 | 00:28:27


Show Notes

“What are the essential qualities of a healthy growing church, regardless of culture and theological persuasion?"

Christian A. Schwarz and a team from Institute for Church Development in Germany sought to answer this question by conducting a three-year study, where 4.2 million people from over 1,000 churches within thirty-two countries responded. In today's episode, Merle Shenk and Larry Kreider discuss the findings—known as the eight essential qualities of a healthy church—that are documented in Natural Church Development.

8 Essential Qualities:

  1. Empowering leadership
  2. Gift-oriented ministry
  3. Passionate spirituality
  4. Functional structures
  5. Inspiring worship service
  6. Holistic small groups
  7. Need-oriented evangelism
  8. Loving relationships

Quotable Quotes:

Mentioned in Today's Episode:

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