Lisa Hosler returns to the podcast to talk about her book, The Unexhausted Leader, to help those growing weary in their ministries. In this episode, Lisa and Larry Kreider discuss the difference between brainstorming and spirit storming, the meaning of "productive pause," and how to apply these principles in a secular work environment.
3 Principles:
Mentioned in Today's Episode:
For more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small group resources, or other teachings, visit
Lester Zimmerman returns to the Larry Kreider Leadership Podcast to give insight on having an external focus, growing in character and skill, as well...
Steve Prokopchak, the author of numerous works including the pre-marital workbook, Called Together, returns to the studio to share how he became a writer...
Duane and Reyna Britton return to share the importance of mentoring younger leaders in addition to how they overcame their performance mindset and reluctance...