Brian Sauder on Understanding Role Preferences and Maximizing Your Team

Episode 25 February 22, 2023 00:32:37
Brian Sauder on Understanding Role Preferences and Maximizing Your Team
Larry Kreider Leadership Podcast
Brian Sauder on Understanding Role Preferences and Maximizing Your Team

Feb 22 2023 | 00:32:37


Show Notes

In what role do you best function?

Brian Sauder, director of the DOVE Global Leadership & Ministry School, joins Larry Kreider in the studio to share insights from Bobb Biehl's Team Profile and examples of these principles found in the Bible. Brian explains the honor word for each of the five phases and how understanding your team's role preferences can promote peace and reduce burnout and turnover.

The Five Phases:

  1. Designer - Thinks it
  2. Designer/Developer -  Tries it
  3. Developer - Sets goals
  4. Developer/Stabilizer - Problem solver
  5. Stabilizer - Problem solver

The Three Levels:

  1. President
  2. Vice President
  3. Strong Player

Quotable Quotes:


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